SPA 101


Let our professionally trained and caring service personnel walk you through this unique experience that goes beyond skin-deep.

Start… with an intimate understanding of your skin. Let our professional staff assess your skin features using the superior VISATM Complexion Analysis System. Feel free to discuss with our therapists your personal needs and wants, and take home a personalized report of your skin.

Engage... in a light exercise regime to tone up and toss out the worries of the day.

Enjoy... a quick de-stressing session, in either our Therapeutic Jacuzzi or Aromatic Steam Bath to completely relax your senses.

Complete... your ESTEBEL Spa escapade with treatments designed to fulfill your innate needs. Restore radiance to dull skin with our Illuminating Facial, relax with our trademark massage or body treatments in our advanced Alpha 2010TM Spa System. Definitely the ultimate in health, beauty and relaxation.

Pelayanan tenaga ahli Profesional dan pegawai kami akan membawa anda melalui pengalaman unik yang terjadi pada kullit anda. Dimulai dengan….megetahui lebih dalam tentang kulit anda. Para staff professional kami akan menilai ciri-ciri kulit anda menggunakan superior Scala Complexion Analysis System. Anda dapat dengan bebas berdiskusi dengan para terapis kami mengenai kebutuhan dan keinginan pribadi anda serta membawa pulang laporan pribadi kulit anda.